Monday, June 13, 2011

elephant surprises car , cool vid

Bedouin control the smuggling into Gaza

The Bedouin who control the smuggling on the Egyptian side of the Gaza strip know how to sniff out lucrative new trade. CNN's Diana Magnay investigates the routes that bring everything from food, medicine and even cars

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Where in the World is Charlie Sheen?

Could Styrofoam Cause Cancer?

Government warns that chemical used in coffee cups might carry cancer risk.

world smallest man

Mr Balawing must wait until he reaches the qualifying age of 18 to be measured but local media say he is currently 23 inches tall while Mr Magar stands at 26 inches.

Adjudicators from Guiness Records have travelled to meet Mr Balawing at his home in in Sindangan, a coastal municipality in the southern Philippines.

The vice-mayor of Sindangan, Bess Jagonio said: "We are very proud because our town Sindangan will be known throughout the whole world-- that we have a person or a boy to become a titleist (title holder) of the book of Guinness.”